A Folk Remedy You Should Know

What can you find in your bedroom dresser than can stop a migraine, cure a head cold, and relieve insomnia?I asked this question to a patient the other day, and she sheepishly answered: "Cannabis?" If you are a medicinal cannabis patient you may want to look into a company that delivers such as Weedhub.I had a good laugh. The answer is actually not a herb that has spurred multiple controversial ballot measures, but there's no denying that the plant has an amazing power at treating a multitude of issues one is dealing with. Therefore, it's no surprise we see so many people flock to topdispensary.ca to get a good night's sleep after a bad bout of insomnia, or to reduce the pain of the migraine that just doesn't seem to be budging. However, what if there was something else that could treat these woes so many of us deal with on a daily basis? Most households are guaranteed to have a large supply of it, regardless of their politics. The answer?A couple pair of socks.

Add A Pair of Wet Socks to Your Repetoire!

The wet sock treatment is like a Renaissance Man. You know, the guy who can sing like Celine, dance like Michael, knit a scarf, coo a baby to sleep, fix a broken faucet, and press a suit all in dapper style! Let the wet sock treatment be your renaissance remedy, since it treats such a variety of discomforts, including sinus congestion, sore throats, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, and migraines. It's also a great way to stop a viral infection in its tracks. Feel like your getting sick? Wet-sock it!

The Wet Sock Treatment

The wet sock treatment is a folk remedy with big time street cred. And assuming that you own a pair of cotton socks, and a pair of wool ones, it doesn't cost a dime!So, what is this unfortunately-named miracle cure? In short - you're going to purposefully make your feet really, really cold, then you're going to leave it up to your body to warm them back up. I know, doesn't sound super fun, does it? Read more to understand why it's so effective.When you apply a pair of cold, wet socks to a pair of warm dry feet, the body reacts by increasing blood circulation to the area. You're calling blood from the upper part of the body down to the lower part of the body and relieving everything from sinus congestion to piercing headaches. By increasing blood circulation, the immune system also gets revved up, therefore increasing your chances that you can beat that nasty virus that's making the back of your throat feel like you swallowed a Brillo pad.Lastly, this treatment has a significant 'sedating' effect on the brain, which is why it can so helpful for anxiety and insomnia (especially the kind that feels like your head is buzzing like hive full of busy bees).

How To Use A Pair of Wet Socks to Treat Migraines, Insomnia, Sore Throats, Coughs, Bronchitis, and Sinus Congestion

If you're using the wet sock treatment to battle an acute viral infection, it's best to start the treatment sooner than later, and use this treatment a couple of nights in a row. For everything else, use as needed. Just always make sure that you are starting out with warm, dry feet.Supplies1 pair of thin socks (cotton or polypropylene will work)1 pair of thick socks (wool is best, polypropylene will work, too)1 bowl of really cold water, preferably ice waterDirectionsMake sure your feet are warm and dry. If they're not, take a warm shower/warm them up in the tub. Thoroughly dry them off.Soak your thin pair of socks in the ice water, then wring them out really well. Put them on your warm, dry feet. Next, put on your pair of dry wool socks.Go to bed. Wear warm pajamas if need be, to avoid getting overly chilled.During the night, you may wake covered in sweat. Don't be alarmed - this is a good thing! Change your pajamas to avoid getting cold. Don't take off your socks.When you wake the next morning, your feet should be warm and dry. And hopefully, you're feeling much better.


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