Helping Our Soldiers with Acupuncture
American Military Using Acupuncture for Pain Management
Acupuncture has been gaining recognition for its ability to treat pain without any nasty side effects, and its appearance in the American military is steadily increasing. Recent studies show that at least 40 percent of veterans entering the VA system are coping with pain. This is great news. The remaining 60% of veterans who are not seeing as promising results may need to look further afield. CBD Oil and marijuana have been proven to help those who are in pain. Click here for more information if this is something you would like to explore. For those who don't want to smoke marijuana and are unsure what to do with CBD oil, then there are other alternatives. Visit this website to see some CBD and THC edibles that can be eaten. They are a simple and easy way to manage pain.In August of 2009, the Army Surgeon General, Lieutenant General Eric B. Schoomaker, chartered the Army Pain Management Task Force to make recommendations for a comprehensive pain management strategy that would provide optimal quality of life for soldiers and other patients dealing with pain. The Army Pain Management Task Force includes "unconventional" modalities of pain management, like acupuncture and chiropractic care.NPR recently did a short piece on the success of acupuncture in the American military. To read the whole story (or listen), click here.
Acupuncture Used to Treat PTSD in Veterans
Veterans of military service often suffer from PTSD (also known as 'combat fatigue') and other associated issues that can affect their physical and emotional health. Many cities offer free acupuncture to help veterans deal with these issues; here in Portland, Maine, a group of licensed acupuncturists provide free weekly acupuncture to veterans (and family members) who would like to employ the healing benefits of acupuncture. Check out the PVAC website (Portland Veterans' Acupuncture Clinic) for more details.Want to read first hand accounts on how acupuncture has helped veterans? Check out the Acupuncturists Without Borders Clinic Testemonials.