Treating Hot Flashes with Acupuncture
When Susan Gaudet went to Wildwood Medicine for treatment of her chronic pain, she had no idea that the treatments would handle her peri-menopausal symptoms, too.“I was very uncomfortable. I had this vague constant headache, and I was hot. I don’t just mean summer-day hot, I felt like I was cooking,” she recalls. Gaudet recalls being sweaty, hot, and cranky, which was not her typical nature.Like so many women who suffer from severe and uncomfortable peri-menopausal symptoms, Gaudet sought relief through a range of options. “I tried every over-the-counter remedy, every compounded medicine, I tried the estrogen patch. You name it, I trialed it, and they were all ineffective, or if they were effective, they had pretty good side effects, and I questioned whether they were worthwhile.”After only a few visits to the Wildwood Community Acupuncture Clinic, located on India Street in downtown Portland, Maine, Gaudet’s peri-menopausal symptoms started to subside. After a total of only 8 weeks, those symptoms have been completely resolved.“It was a very short road to recovery for me. I no longer have those symptoms and I feel very grateful for it,” she says.Gaudet continues to visit the Wildwood Community Acupuncture clinic for chronic pain, but she no longer has to worry about hot flashes, headaches, and sweating.“I am very grateful to Wildwood for offering this community acupuncture clinic. It has helped me greatly,” she says.To sign up for community acupuncture treatment, visit: